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Sometimes it's ok, not to be ok!

Writer's picture: Rebecca M BarrieRebecca M Barrie

Updated: Jun 7, 2020

Mental Health Awareness week

This week in the UK it is Mental Health Awareness week. This year's theme is kindness, with the week running from 18 - 24 May.

Mental health awareness is particularly important to all of us at MMTC, we believe that by being involved in the world of performing arts, getting people out and into a community has an incredibly positive effect on all members. It allows us to form bonds and connections akin to that of family.

For our members, by stepping away from daily stresses, and in some cases the isolation that comes with work life and home life; or a life behind a screen and putting them into a positive communal setting, they can build important social skills, relax, and interact with others of a like mind on a weekly basis, thus helping to promote a positive mind set.

It is proven that face to face interaction stimulates feelings of belonging, security, and companionship. Research supporting this shows that real life group engagement improves mood, decreases depression, and builds societal skills.

Like most things the initial thought of joining a new group or society can be daunting and increase anxiety, however we strongly feel that our company is warm and welcoming and we like to encourage new members to become a part of our theatre family.

By joining and being involved in musical theatre you can step out of the pressures of the real world. We encourage members to ‘get involved’ not only with weekly rehearsals but also with fundraisers and events, or to even to go for a natter at the local after rehearsals, developing communication and forming strong bonds.

The benefits of kindness

Being kind can significantly improve our physical and emotional wellbeing - whether we are giving or receiving it.

There have even been scientific studies into the effects of kindness, showing that acts of kindness help your immune system, reduces stress, gives you energy and are good for your heart!

The power of being kind goes even further, it has been proven to slow ageing, improve relationships and it's contagious!

How Coronavirus & lock down has affected us.

At this point in time I think it is fair to say we are all starting to feel a little fed up, trapped and in some cases rather lonely. Not only from missing our family and loved ones but not being able to see our friends at weekly rehearsals, missing the embracing welcomes, laughter, and encouragement.

Thankfully with the modern wonders of technology, it has been easier for us to check in with each other on a regular basis, some smaller groups even hosting quizzes, virtual wine tastings and video chats galore

The committee at Maghull MTC have video conference calls at least once a month, to discuss ways to get us all back together safely. We all know how much we want to turn up to a rehearsal and do what we do best, but for the time being we must put safety first as hard as it is. It might be fair to say the first meeting back at the hall will be a terribly busy one!

For the time being we encourage members to continue as they are, looking after one another from a distance, checking in and staying safe.

A thoughts from our members

"Mental health awareness is a topic that is close to many people's hearts, certainly to mine. We, as a society, vow to be there for each other whenever needed. I personally feel extremely lucky to be part of such a caring group".

MMTC member

"Being a part of MMTC has given me confidence in myself, that I never knew I had; it is a safe space where I can escape from negativity and my hope is that anyone else who joins our family feels as loved, supported and appreciated as I do! "

MMTC Member

"I know for me without the escapism from show and the support from our MMTC family life would be a lot more difficult. From MMTC I am given encouragement and strength without which I wouldn't cope as well as I do now, I don't think that the members know just how much they mean to me!"

MMTC Member

"As a new member I have felt welcomed by everyone in the company. There is always support available as everyone looks out for each others welfare. MMTC have given me a new found confidence and allowed me to perform by giving me strength in my abilities."

MMTC Member

Final thoughts

If anyone feels lonely, or like they cannot cope, please get in touch, we may not be able to fix things, but we will help in anyway that we can. You can now chat to committee members via our website. We know we're not professionals, but we care and are here to listen. Remember sometimes it's ok to not be ok! We are here for each other.

Take care, stay safe, we are MMTC!


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L31 6DD


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